Tuesday, July 25

Response to some honest criticism

While reading over my brother's blog, I found his latest entry, which discusses intelligence.
I consider myself reasonably open-minded, so I'm gonna accept his grievance as constructive criticism: something only he and my stepdad give me. Everyone else tells me I'm a great person (when I know I'm not) and acts like I'm not who I am (which he points out below)

Take my brother for example. I think I have written about this subject before, but I will get into it again. He is an art major, but he also enjoys writing/literature and music. Yet he he tries to make himself out to be a master jack-of-all-trades because he can learn to play songs on the guitar by ear and has written a few good poems. I call myself a bard, that doesn't mean I think I can do everything... it just means I notice my skills tend to be creative instead of, say, scientific or social. He uses Strunk and White grammar even in colloquial conversation, trying to make himself out to be an intellectual Ok, so my speech happens to usually be gramattically sound with a bit of overkill sometimes... big deal. I don't do it on purpose, it's how I was brought up. I retained the grammar lessons from 1st grade and never abandoned them just because "school is evil" as a lot of kids say nowadays. And don't get me started on him using Latin either. So I know a bit of Latin and like using it, what's the issue? I don't do it to show off... can I help it if I'm a linguist of sorts?

He also has a very negative attitude about society. I would say he is a misanthrope.
I would say I'm a misanthrope, too. I don't deny it. He mocks religion (other than the Paganism he follows) I don't mock religion, I mock people who use religion in ways they shouldn't... like to belittle other religions or hate certain types of people or to justify something wrong they've done. For example, I have a strong dislike of mission works because of its latent message: "Your religion is inferior, take our better one instead. Even if you are doing fine with your religion and you're happy, ours is better and you won't be happy without it. I am a self-important person who thinks he knows what's right for other cultures." I know Christianity generally teaches peace, love, and happiness. I have no problem with the religion itself. I don't care how the people attain their spiritual strength, be it from God or Cernunnos or simply from being one's self (allowing for secular/athiest philosophies). If it makes them happy and it doesn't negatively affect others, more power to them. It's the religious jackasses I don't like. (i.e. Pat Robertson & Jerry Falwell), government (even when we all know it has faults) Don't even get me started on authority. I question authority because I have a desire to know where the authority comes from. I don't object to all government and rules, just ones that are absurd and do more to restrict freedom than to prevent mishaps (like parks closing and people not allowed to enter. Since when did nature have or need a closing time?), and just people in general. Misanthropy. I know. I'm sure that these illusions of grandeur stem from that he never connected with society growing up, so he fell into his own little world where he is a super intelligent being and that is the reason why no one understands him. This is true. I'm misanthropic and feel aloof to the world because I was outcast a a time in my life when I was learning social relationships (and in the school environment I thus learned that social relationships are evil and cruel and should be avoided. I became a recluse and hated the world for it. I'm still recovering. To make up for his own shortcomings, he boasts his qualities and makes himself seem superior I don't boast them. They just happen. It's not like I specifically say "Ha. Look at me! I know Latin! ES STOLIDUS QUE SUM TOTUS SCIENTIÆ DOMINUS! Just look at my perfect grammar. Furthermore, I communicate eloquently with my non-vernacular speech method and extensive vocabulary (that's "big words" for you dumb people)" It just happens, it's who I am. If anyone is offended by my apparent pompousness, I apologize... but I don't mean to do it. You can't blame a drummer for always tapping and finding rhythms, just as you can't blame an educated artist (what, I'm not gonna say I'm stupid...) for using what he knows. I wouldn't be me if I tried to not use big words or not analyse/question everything that comes my way.

Oh, and that Latin earlier means "You're stupid and I'm the master of all knowledge!" if you're curious.


Blogger Nick Chen said...

To me, most of these monotheistic religions, including and especially Christian and Islam, are excuses or tools used by men to discriminate others and to wage wars upon wars.

I also know exactly as what you said "Christianity generally teaches peace, love, and happiness". That is the reason I have no trouble with Christions, other than when they brag about their religion. But still, this religion discriminate among people, blessing the followers and cursing the non-believers.

By the other hand, I don't like Islam at all so far. Their teaching is way too violent and too discriminated.
Give you a recent story, 3 days ago, of one of my friends. She is a girl currently living and working in a Muslim province of China. That day she went out shopping for some nuts, that Muslim merchant overpriced the 20 RMB(RMB is the Chinese currency) nuts to 65 RMB, and she brought down the price to 30 RMB. Ironically, during the negotiation, the merchant kept saying "We, WeiZu (one of Arabic races in China), as Muslims, are honest people, we don't cheat people like you Han people (Han is the major Chinese race)." Also, still in negotiation, the merchant packed up the stuff already, without her agreement of to buy or not and how much to buy, a perfect forced-buy situation.
When the girl told of the story, she said she wondered what would happen if she choose not to buy, but she dared not, for hearing all the horrible stories of refusing the deal with Muslim merchants in China. The result of refusing could be, at a minimum, cursing you, your family, your whole race, and maybe more generally, pulling out a blade and threating you to buy, if returned with hostility, bloody result will very likely be coming.

10:17 AM  

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