Sunday, February 5

I am myself plus one.

It's something that's been building up inside me for the last year and 2 months, but it finally came out today. I took Meranda to our favourite Pagan Rite clearing in the forest behind Lake Waterford Park and I popped the question. In Gaelic.

Now, she had already told me she'd say yes if I asked her, but it's not quite official until I ask her. There was no ring. Why? Because we're both unconventional enough to understand that the ring is for show. There's no binding power in it. It's all symbolic, and it was a relative luxury we could do without. However, while walking through the park, she made us a set of pine-needle rings just out of principle. I couldn't say anything because it was just so perfect. We broke tradition, I asked in one of our favourite spots, she said yes, and now she made rings (more personal) out of pine needles (Not just a natural object, but a representative of the Earth element, the one I feel most in tune with.)

I am more complete than I ever was. Blessed be me Bonny Lass.


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