Saturday, February 4

It's only in my head...

If only part of my skills in hand-eye coordination could be allotted to hand-mind coordination. I've got so many ideas in my head for what characters, places, and events look like for tons of different genres. I have a wealth of images of Adrynaic locales and citizens (like Mynlar) and postmodern stuff like Brad J and his stories. The only problem is getting those ideas from my head to a piece of paper. In any form. It's probably my worry that I wont do any of my ideas justice. They're so vivid in my head that it seems only a mind, not a hand, can create them.

I wish there were an easier way to get them out. I'm not good enough at people to do them justice, I'm not good enough drawing Manga style to do my story ideas, and forget drawing places. Oh well, hopefully with practice I can get it all out of my head finally.


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