Wednesday, January 25

With every passing semester... gets better and better. During my first 3 semesters, I told people I was an art major, which I was... I was going to college with the intention of focusing on my art skills. But I was taking classes like History, English, and Science classes. Not one art class. Last semester started my art classes, with Drawing 1.

This semester, however, kicks much ass. English is the only non-art class on my schedule. I've got three different media going on now: pencils and charcoal in Drawing 2, oils in Painting 1, and clay in 3D Design. Being in those three studio classes truly makes me feel like the art major that I tell everyone I am. It really makes me look forward to next semester, where I'll be taking Intermediate Drawing, Painting 2, Creative Writing, and an Art History class (I know, it's a classroom art instead of a studio art, but at least it's related to my major)


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